CARGO IMPORT-EXPORT AIR SERVICESTOWARDS ALL MAJOR INTERNATIONAL DESTINATIONS Fast and reliable international air shipments Spedimpex offers the possibility to operate in every major Italian airport in import / export through our various correspondents, offering both direct and consolidated services...
IMPORT-EXPORT TRUCK SERVICESTOWARDS ALL EUROPEAN AND NON-EU COUNTRIES Spedimpex offers every service for road transport by road, from groupage to the organization of full and partial loads to and from all of Europe within and outside the EC.Thanks to our network extended in all European and non-European...
MARITIME TRANSPORT: IMPORT-EXPORT CONTAINER SHIPPING SERVICESTOWARDS ALL INTERNATIONAL COUNTRIES Spedimpex offers full load container shipments (FCL full container load) and groupages (LCL less than container load) to and from all over the world.Freight transport by sea for all destinations both in...
CUSTOMS AND VAT DEPOSITSpedimpex possesses all the requisites required by the European Community to be a customs and VAT warehouse manager with its own authorizations and guarantees, being able to offer customers the tax deposit service and follow all the procedures and documentation necessary for the...